Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable

5.3 kmod centrum miasta
971 mod stacja metra: Sameditsino Universiteti

od 306 PLN

  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable
  • Apartment in the style of the hotel, Rent daily, perfectly clean and comfortable


  • Sameditsino Universiteti • 970 m
  • Gotsiridze • 1.5 km
  • Teknikuri Universiteti • 1.6 km
  • Tbilisi Zoo • 2.5 km
  • Vake Park • 3.3 km

Dostępne pokoje

Wprowadź daty podróży, aby zobaczyć aktualne ceny

Nie wybrano dat

Jeśli nie znasz jeszcze konkretnych dat, podaj daty w przybliżeniu, aby zobaczyć szacunkowe ceny.


Gagarini street 25, Saburtalo, 0160 Tbilisi, Georgia, Tbilisi

  • Ciekawe miejsca
  • Tbilisi Zoo • 2.5 km
  • Vake Park • 3.3 km
  • Mtatsminda Park • 4.6 km
  • Freedom Square • 5.3 km
  • Anchiskhati Basilica • 5.3 km
  • Tbilisi Holy Trinity Cathedral • 5.6 km
  • Rike Park • 5.7 km
  • Sioni Cathedral • 5.7 km
  • Tbilisi Botanical Garden • 6.0 km
  • Narikala Citadel • 6.1 km
  • Lotniska
  • Tbilisi International Airport • 17.1 km
  • Metro
  • Gotsiridze • 1.5 km
  • Teknikuri Universiteti • 1.6 km
  • Sameditsino Universiteti • 970 m

Opis apartmentu

Informacje o apartmencie

Rodzaj gniazdka elektrycznego

Typu C

220 V / 50 Hz

Typu C

(z uziemieniem)

220 V / 50 Hz

Liczba pokoi

1 pokój

Jakie inne udogodnienia są oferowane?


Regulamin zameldowania

Zameldowanie i wymeldowanie
Po 14:00
Do 10:00


W apartmencie
W walucie apartmentu – GEL
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